The statistics for July 2021 reveal that the number of patrolled employees increased by at least 2.0% compared to the stats of July 2020 – with an increase of around 576,000 employees. But the number of patrolled employees decreased by at least 0.7% since February 2020 with a decrease of around 201,000 during the period. In fact, 182,000 more employees were in payrolled employment in July 2021 compared to June 2021. Please see here for Stopgap the best of the best in sourcing media marketing jobs.

The stats for July 2021 reveal that the median monthly salary increased by at least 6.4% compared to July 2020, and the median pay increased by at least 6.4% compared to February 2020. On the other hand, all age groups have an increase in patrolled workers between July 2020 and July 2021. In fact, there was an increase of around 247,000 payrolled workers aged younger than 25 years during this period.

The annual growth in payrolled workers in July 2021 was the highest in Gwynedd – with an increase of 6.1%. It was the lowest in Islington and Haringey – with a decrease of 0.9%. The increase in payrolled workers between July 2020 and 2021 was the largest in the support services and administrative sectors with an increase of 212,000 employees. In fact, the smallest was in the retail and wholesale sectors with a decrease of 50,000 employees.

Three sectors with the greatest decreases saw monthly increases in payrolled workers between June and July 2021 – Accommodation and food services saw an increase of 32,000 employees, arts and entertainment 13,000 employees, and retail and wholesale 7,000 employees. In fact, annual growth in median pay for workers in the arts & entertainment sector was the highest with an increase of 15.9% in July 2021. The lowest was in the household sector with a decrease of 0.6% during the same period.

The annual growth rates for July 2021 were compared against the rates of July 2020 and the reduction in median pay and employees seen at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic isn’t contributing anymore towards the annual growth rate. The annual growth rates will be compared with the lower baseline.

The Data In This Particular Release

The estimates for July 2021 give an indication of the level of employees and the median pay in the last period. In fact, the figures available for July 2021 are based on 85% of the information available at the time of preparing this report. They are of lower quality and could be revised in the next month’s release when around 99% of the data will be available. The report was introduced in April 2020 in relation to the coronavirus pandemic and more methods will be developed in the future. A revisions triangle is also available for median pay and employees at the UK level.

The release covers employees who are paid through the PAYE or Pay As You Earn system where the pay is reported through the RTI or Real Time Information system. The employees who were laid off as part of the CJRS or Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme should have their payments reported through the system. They will be featured in this data and contribute towards the pay and employment statistics for the specific periods.

The stats in this release are based on employees who have at least one job paid via PAYE. The monthly estimates show the average of such employees for each day in the calendar month. The introduction of the new methodology in 2019 is designed to align with international guidelines for labour stats.