During the pandemic, people have primarily been at home with their families. Many places of business have been closed, and so people are spending their time online more than ever before.

The New York Times reported data from two major providers showing people have increasingly looked to technology in order to stay connected. This shift toward digital living provides consumers unique opportunities regarding work, play, and general socialization.

Public gatherings and special events are practically non-existent, and Americans are desperately seeking entertainment. Streaming platforms are experiencing record volume, and social media traffic is quite intense.

People in recent years have been increasingly using their smartphones, but this mobile shift has now slowed down a bit. Now that consumers are at home more often, they are opting for larger screens. Why squint to watch a movie on your smartphone?

In fact, companies like YouTube and Netflix are reporting stagnant numbers regarding app usage. Traffic numbers for certain mobile apps may be slowing, but traffic in general to these sites is on the rise. The analysis provided is based on data provided by SimilarWeb and Apptopia.

Social media continues to grow full speed ahead, but people want more. Video chatting has been preferred during the pandemic because people want the chance to see each other again. In fact, video chatting has become so popular that even apps that were shunned are now being used by the general public. Have you heard of HouseParty or Duo?

People are paying much more attention to what is going on around them, too. The virus and quarantine measures have prompted people to be more community-driven. One way people are taking a greater interest in their neighbourhoods is by using the app NextDoor. This app connects communities concerning local news, events, missing pets, neighbourhood concerns, etc.

Schools were in session at home for the longest time, and kids are just now making it back to the classroom. This dramatic change has impacted families in profound ways. Some kids are growing up into the “new normal,” and families are scrambling to use the latest technologies to keep up with the digital classroom environment. Parents, educators, and students are using apps like Zoom and Microsoft Teams to make it happen. See Mgenious Solutions.

Staying Informed

The number of new coronavirus cases is increasing by the day, and the death toll is rising. Americans want to stay informed, and they want the latest news headlines pertaining to the pandemic.

Naturally, this means local and national news sites are seeing increased traffic. In fact, that is an understatement.

The New York Times has seen over a 50 per cent increase in traffic, and most other news sites are getting the same attention. People not only want to stay on top of this public health crisis, but they are concerned about the current state of the economy as well. They want information so they can continue to navigate these uncertain times.

People are less interested in partisan sites, however, which is leaving The Daily Caller and similar publications out in the cold. Opinionated news outlets are no longer the centre of attention. People are flocking to news sources that report the facts and provide valuable information about the pandemic. They are not interested in choosing sides. Even Fox News is having problems getting the attention of its supporters. What’s going on in the world has suddenly become a bipartisan matter.

The most popular news site, however, dishes facts just as they come, and that is the CDC. The website for the CDC is seeing an enormous increase in traffic. People are also increasingly digging for information beyond what the CDC provides, too. They are researching the spread of the virus and continue to try and quantify life as it is now. What happens next?